2024 Voluntary Contributions


In 2024, our Gordon Street Pre-School families will benefit from the Victorian State Government’s new ‘Free Kinder’ subsidy.

This optional program, which Gordon Street Pre-School has chosen to participate in, delivers savings for our families of over $3,000 per child, per year and provides 15 hours of funded kindergarten across both the 3YO and 4YO programs.

Unfortunately, the subsidy provided by the Government to cover the ‘Free Kinder’ program, falls short of Gordon Street Pre-School's normal term fees & leaves a significant shortfall in our operating budget.

As a single room, not-for-profit community kindergarten, our fees were calculated to cover the operating costs required to run our diverse and quality kinder programs. With such a significant shortfall in our budget, there will be implications to our program and the long-term financial viability of our Pre-School.

Under the terms of the 'Free Kinder' program, Kindergartens cannot mandate any additional fees to families. We can however request a Voluntary Contribution for each child. It is hoped that by our families participating in this voluntary contribution, we will offset the potential loss of over $30,000 we are facing in 2024.

Please note, families who have a concession card are not being asked to participate with this Voluntary Contribution.

Action Required

Voluntary Contribution: we urge our families to contribute what you can in the form of a Voluntary Contribution for our kinder. We are recommending $500 per child, however there is also the ability to select an alternative amount.

To make a Voluntary Contribution, you can make a direct deposit into our Gordon Street Bank Account. Please use the following details:

BSB: 633000
Account number: 141677450

Reference: VC + your child's full name


Thank you for your cooperation and for your continued support of our amazing Pre-School. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Committee President, Andrew McCorkell president@gordonstreetpreschool.org.au