2024 Enrolment Fee Refund

As you may recall, each family paid an Enrolment Fee of $150 per child when your child was enrolled at Gordon Street Pre-School.

Under the terms of the new Victorian Government's ‘Free Kinder’ program, no fees can be charged and we must offer to return any fees already paid.

As such, we are asking each family to choose if they would like to have the $150 Enrolment Fee refunded to them. Alternatively, you can choose to donate this fee back to our kinder.

Action Required

Each family is asked to indicate what they would like to happen to their Enrolment Fee for 2024. The two options available are

  1. Choose to contribute the $150 Enrolment Fee back to Gordon Street Pre-School or

  2. Choose to have the $150 Enrolment Fee refunded back to you.


Please indicate your desired outcome below before March 31st, 2024.

Thank you for your cooperation and for your continued support of our amazing Pre-School. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Committee President, Andrew McCorkell president@gordonstreetpreschool.org.au